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Listening for the call

Mon, 14 Nov 2016
A major event has happened in world politics. Donald Trump was elected. Yes, it is real.

If you feel uneasy, confused, anxious, angry about it, here are some thoughts…

1. Take time to take in whatever it is you feel and think about it. Whatever it is, notice it.

2. Donald Trump did not get to be President-elect all by himself. Many millions of Americans have given him this power. Any social event is an expression of a complex system of inter-relationships. When people take less and less time to listen in order to understand each other, as seems to be happening more and more in politics and in society more generally, then extreme views grow which lead to extreme actions. Fear feeds more fear.

3. Consider what it would mean to really care for yourself and to take your self seriously. This means listening to what you say to yourself – the anger, the anxiety, perhaps even the hope – all of it. Let it all in… And because all this stuff needs somewhere to land, let it land with compassion. Because compassion is all that is left when we really want to face ourselves. Anything else just keeps generating new dramas. Face yourself with an open heart.

And to face yourself with an open heart must also mean facing those around us, society, with an open heart – otherwise we simply outsource the dramas that are within us, to outside of us.

Anger, anxiety, despair, tell us something is wrong, whether in our selves or in others. And so we turn to face it, and listen to what the future is calling from us.

4. We listen. As we listen to what we are saying to ourselves, as we listen to what others are saying, we also listen for the call to action from the future. We need to be quiet inside to hear it. We listen to the call with all our being – our heart, mind, and body. We listen so well that we know what to start doing. And then we start to act. As we act, so we learn. We trust that we know what to do, and at the very same time, we are open to learning new ways of understanding and acting. We keep returning to our heart, as we act with courage and trust